
Sorts a list.

Note This @function is new with Release 6.


@Sort( list ; [ order ]; customSortExpression )



[ order ]
Return value



The ascending, case-, and accent-sensitive sort sequence for the English character set is as follows: the numbers 0-9, the alphabetic characters aA-zZ, the apostrophe, the dash, and the remaining special characters. Pitch-sensitivity affects double-byte languages.

Note The case sensitive sort only matters when terms are identical except for case. In that instance, the lower case is sorted first. For example, cat, Cat, CAT. If terms are not identical except for case, they are sorted without regard to case.

If you set Unicode standard sorting as the sorting option, you cannot select the following keywords or combinations:

You specify Unicode standard sorting by setting the notes.ini variable $CollationType to @UCA, or by selecting the "Unicode standard sorting" checkbox that displays in the following dialog boxes:
*The Unicode option is disabled in the Database and Design Document Properties boxes until you select a default sort order.

For more information on Unicode sorting, see

A date-time value with a wildcard time (no time specified) equals all date-time values for the same date. For example, the following dates are considered equal:

[12/12/2000] : [12/12/2000 1:00 PM] : [12/11/2000 - 12/13/2000]

These values are sorted in random order and may be ordered differently with each sort if multiple sorts are performed on them.

See Also