Options for assembling and wiring your composite application
You can assemble your own composite application(s) using the following features either separately or in combination with one another:
Note Refer to the documentation available from the Composite Application Editor for more details on using the NSF component generator feature.

The main options are described below as follows:

Option 1 -- Assembling and wiring using the Composite Application Editor

You can use the Composite Application Editor to define "wires" for component interaction and assemble components to create a composite application. Open the Composite Application Editor by clicking Actions > Edit Application in Lotus Notes 8.

Option 2 -- Assembling and wiring using the Portal Application Template Editor feature

You can use the Portal Application Template Editor feature provided as part of WebSphere Portal to assemble a composite application and define "wires" for component interaction using the property broker.

Before you can use Portal Application Template Editor in this way, you must deploy the client components to the WebSphere Portal server. Refer to the Composite Application Editor documentation for more details.

Summary for assembling and wiring Composite Application for use with Notes 8

1. Assemble and wire a composite application using the Composite Application Editor or the Portal Application Template Editor.

2. If you want to run composite applications from IBM® Lotus® Domino(TM) Designer, create a new database based on the supplied blank composite NTF template file.

3. Use the Domino Designer Import XML action to import the XML file into the Notes databases.

See Also