Working with a composite application
When in a document in the IBM® Lotus® Notes® 8 client, you can create links from a document to a composite application. You must be in a rich-text field in the Notes 8 client document (a field that allows text, objects, file attachments, and pictures) to create a link.

To create a link to a composite application:

1. Open the composite application to link to (CTRL-O).

2. Choose Edit - Copy as Link and select Application Link.

3. Put the document that you are adding the link to in Edit mode.

4. Click where you want the link to appear.

5. Choose Edit - Paste.

To customize the status bar description of a link

When a composite application link is created, a description automatically appears that shows where the link goes when someone clicks it. This description appears in the status bar when a user moves the cursor over the link. You can customize the description, perhaps to provide a database server and database file name.

1. Select the link.

2. Choose Link - Link Properties.

3. Delete the text in the "Link Description" box, and enter new text; click check mark to save.

By choosing Link - Link Properties, you can also see basic information about the link, including a description of the link, unique alphanumeric strings that identify the linked composite application and the name of the server that the linked composite application resides on. This menu option appears only when there is a link in a document.

To create a link to the URL of a composite application:

1. Open the application that you want to link to.

2. Click Edit > Copy As, and then select Application URL.

3. Open the application or mail message you want to link from.

4. Click where you want the link to appear.

5. Click Edit > Paste. The link appears as a URL in the application.

Double-click the link to open the it and access the application or page.

To add a composite application bookmark to the client launcher:

Use the client Launcher to start Notes or other applications by dragging them to the Launcher. You can also add a Notes composite application to the Launcher using the following steps:

1. Click File > Open > Lotus Notes Application.

2. Select the composite application and then click the Bookmark button.

3. Expand the Application folder and then click OK.