Examples: @UserName
1. This example returns CN=Robert T. Katsushima/OU=JPN/O=Acme if this is the name associated with the current user ID.
2. This example returns Robert T. Katsushima.
3. This example returns CN=Rob Katsushima/OU=JPN/P=Acme if this is the first alternate name associated with the current user ID.
4. This example returns Fletcher if William Fletcher is the name associated with the current User ID.
5. This example returns FLETCHER if William Fletcher is the name associated with the current User ID.
6. This example returns the name in canonical format as shown below. Given this hierarchical user ID: CN=Mary Tsen/OU=Illustration/OU=Documentation/OU=Development/OU=R&D/O=WorkSavers/C=US. To return the name in abbreviated format (omitting the CN, OU, O, and C identifiers), use @V3UserName.
See Also