Examples: FindNextMatch method
This code looks up all entries containing "Smith" in the $Users view, and creates a directory navigator of the person's short name and internet address.

  Dim s As New notessession
 Dim myname As String
 myname = "Smith"  
 Dim myitems() As String
 Redim myitems(1 To 2)  
 myitems(1) =  "ShortName"
 myitems(2) =  "InternetAddress"
 Set mydir = s.GetDirectory("myserver")
 Set mynav = mydir.LookupNames("$Users", myname, myitems, True)
 While mynav.NameLocated  
   While mynav.MatchLocated    
     v = mynav.getFirstItemValue
     mynav.FindNextMatch  ' sets MatchLocated T/F
'    resume name loop
   mynav.FindNextName  ' sets NameLocated T/F
 Msgbox "complete"