Making a Domino newsletter

A newsletter is a summary document containing information from and/or links to other documents. The essential steps for creating a newsletter are:

1. Use the New keyword in the Dim statement to create a NotesNewsletter object.

2. Call one of the following NotesNewsletter methods to create a document: FormatDocument to create a NotesDocument object that contains a rendering of other documents; FormatMsgWithDoclinks to create a document that contains doclinks to other documents plus header information.

You can use the Send method of NotesDocument to mail the resulting newsletter.

The following table lists the NotesNewsletter properties.
PropertyData typeDescription
DoScoreBoolean(Read-write) True if the newsletter includes each document's relevance score
DoSubjectBoolean(Read-write) True if the newsletter includes each document's subject
Parent NotesSession(Read-only) The session that contains a Newsletter object. For COM only.
SubjectItemNameString(Read-write) Name of the field in each source document containing the subject; this is how NotesNewsletter tags each link

See Also