Examples: viewitem tag
This code creates a table on the theForm.jsp that a view's entry links to via a formlink tag.

<%@ taglib uri="WEB-INF/lib/domtags.tld" prefix="domino" %>
<domino:form name="myForm" schema="Article" dbname="myDatabase.nsf">
   <td>Author:<td><domino:item name="Author"/></tr>
   <td>Title:<td><domino:input name="Title" size="80"/></tr>
   <td colspan=2><domino:richtext width="100%" name="Body"/></tr>
   <td colspan=2><domino:editdoc/><domino:savedoc/></tr>

The following is the code used in a JSP called theView.jsp to make the Title view entry hot link to the Title column of the table on the theForm.jsp.

<%@ taglib uri="WEB-INF/lib/domtags.tld" prefix="domino" %>
<domino:view dbname="myDatabase.nsf" viewname="All">
 <table border=1>
     <td><domino:formlink href="theForm.jsp">
       <domino:viewitem name="Title"/>
     <td><domino:viewitem name="LastAccessed" format="date=short"/>
     <td><domino:viewitem name="Author"/>

See Also