Examples: On...GoTo statement
This example illustrates On...GoTo and On Error.

The user enters a value. If the value is 1, 2, or 3, the On...GoTo statement transfers control to label1, label2, or label3. If the value is another number in the legal range for On...GoTo (the range is 0 to 255), control moves to the next statement. If the user enters a number that is out of range for On...GoTo, or that the CInt function cannot convert to an integer, an error occurs; and LotusScript transfers control to the OutOfRange label, in accordance with the On Error statement.

Depending on the user's entry, the OneTwoThree sub displays an appropriate message. If the entry is valid, an Exit Sub statement exits the Sub. If the entry is not valid, a GoTo statement transfers control to the EnterNum label, and the user is given another chance to make a valid entry.

Sub OneTwoThree
  Dim num As Integer
  On Error GoTo OutOfRange
  num% = CInt(InputBox("Enter 1, 2, or 3"))
  On num% GoTo label1, label2, label3
 ' The user did not enter 1, 2, or 3, but a run-time error
 ' did not occur (the user entered a number in
 ' the range 0 - 255).
  MessageBox "You did not enter a correct value! Try again!"
  GoTo EnterNum
  MessageBox "You entered 1."
  Exit Sub
  MessageBox "You entered 2."
  Exit Sub
  MessageBox "You entered 3."
  Exit Sub
  ' An error condition has occurred.
  MessageBox "The value you entered is negative, " _
     & "greater than 255, or not a number. Try again!"
  GoTo EnterNum  
End Sub
OneTwoThree ' Call the OneTwoThree sub.

See Also