Domino actions and agent properties that are not supported on the Web
Avoid using the following actions and agent features in a Web application.
Manually From Actions MenuWeb users do not have an Actions menu. Run agents with actions or buttons that use @Command([RunAgent]), @Command([ToolsRunMacro]), or through the WebQuerySave and WebQueryOpen form events.
"If Documents Have Been Pasted" and the document selection option "Selected documents"The concepts of "pasted documents" and "selected documents" don't apply to Web applications.
Form and view actions
Include action in Action menuWeb users do not have an Actions menu. Use the option "Include action in button bar" instead.
Default form and view actions that use system commands (such as *Edit Document, *Categorize)Use supported @commands to create the equivalent actions.
Programs for actions and agents
Simple actions
LotusScript for forms, actions, and buttonsSupported for agents only.
"Alias a folder" simple actionDragging and dropping to folders is not available on the Web.

See Also