Examples: Document property
This code loops through the entries in an outline and displays the note ID of the documents retrieved by any entries that are set to link to a document one at a time.

Sub Initialize
 Dim session as New NotesSession
 Dim db As NotesDatabase
 Dim outline As NotesOutline
 Dim oe As NotesOutlineEntry
 Dim doc As NotesDocument
 Dim count As Integer
 Set db = session.CurrentDatabase
 Set outline = db.GetOutline("myOutline")
  Set oe = outline.GetLast
 While Not (oe Is Nothing)
   If oe.EntryClass = OUTLINE_CLASS_DOCUMENT Then
     Set doc = oe.Document
      Messagebox oe.Label & " entry links to note ID: " _
      & Chr(13) & doc.NoteID,, "Document link"
     count% = count% + 1
   End If
   Set oe = outline.GetNext(oe)
 If count% < 1 Then
   Messagebox "None of the outline entries are document _
   links",, "No document links"
 End If
End Sub

See Also