Process method

Initiates one of the following types of XML data conversion:

Note This method is not in COM. Use Export in NotesDXLExporter and Import in NotesDXLImporter.

Defined in



Call notesXMLProcessor.Process


Before calling this method, you must specify the input and output for the conversion. To do this either use the processor's SetInput and SetOutput methods or use the parameters of one of the following create methods:

The process method for NotesDOMParser raises the PostDOMParse event.

Before calling this method for NotesDXLImporter, set ACLImportOption, DesignImportOption, and DocumentImportOption.

Before calling this method for NotesXSLTransformer, specify the style sheet for the conversion, either through the CreateXSLTransformer parameter or the SetStyleSheet method.

A problem with the data processing causes the following errors:

Note In Release 7.0, this method was enhanced to handle a DTD located at a URL. However, when using a URL, DOMParser.Process() will intermittently fail raising error #4602:"DOM parser operation failed" if the load on the server is too heavy, resulting in a time-out. If this occurs, the calling application will need to try again.

Language cross-reference

exportDxl in Java DxlExporter class

importDxl in Java DxlImporter class
