prevdoc tag
In the context of a form tag, creates a navigation tag that users can click to retrieve the previous page in a document collection. This tag retrieves the previous document from the document collection specified in the viewname attribute of the form tag, so you must specify a valid view in the viewname attribute for this tag to function properly. If no valid view is specified, the collection is created for the current database. You must also identify a specific document in the view before the previous or next document can be retrieved. You can pinpoint a specific document by supplying a value for the unid attribute of the form tag.

Note Be sure to save any modifications you have made to the current page, using the savedoc tag, before selecting the previous page navigator. There is currently no way to check for unsaved modificiations. You can work around this by adding:

Note You must include a preserve tag for each parameter you pass into the page or the parameters are lost when the page reloads.


Valid in:


The following attributes are optional:


See the Common Domino JSP tag attributes section for definitions of debug, onfailure, and time.

See the Common HTML tag attributes section for definitions of the following standard HTML tag attributes:

See Also