Examples: Merge method
This example searches a customer support database for all customers that have either bought a product or called for support within the past month, then prints their name to the screen.

Sub Click(Source As Button)
 Dim session As New NotesSession
 Dim db As NotesDatabase
 Set db = session.CurrentDatabase
 Dim dc1 As NotesDocumentCollection
 Dim dc2 As NotesDocumentCollection
 Dim doc1 As NotesDocument
 Dim monthago As New NotesDateTime("")
 Call monthago.AdjustMonth(-1)
 ' Not the most efficient way to find all customers where LastSale
 ' or LastCall was < one month ago, but it's just an example.
 Dim searchFormula As String
 searchFormula = {Form = "Customer" & LastSale > [} & monthago.DateOnly & {]}
 Set dc1 = db.Search(searchFormula,Nothing, 0)
 searchFormula = {Form = "Customer" & LastCall > [} & monthago.DateOnly & {]}
 Set dc2 = db.Search(searchFormula,Nothing, 0)
 Call dc1.Merge(dc2)
 Set doc1 = dc1.getFirstDocument
 Dim message As String
 While Not doc1 Is Nothing
   message = message & {

} & doc1.GetItemValue( "CustName" )(0)
   Set doc1 = dc1.getNextDocument(doc1)
 Messagebox Mid$(message, 2), MB_OK, "Customers active in the last month"
End Sub