Using Personal Information Management applications in composite applications
To further enhance application development, Personal Information Management (PIM) applications in IBM® Lotus® Notes® 8 have been enabled for use in composite applications. These include the following:
By using the open-standards IBM® Lotus® Expeditor foundation (Eclipse) upon which Notes 8 is based, the PIM applications provide some common properties and actions that can be consumed in a composite application. The following sections of this topic outline the details of these properties and actions.

Properties in general

Lotus Notes uses a simple and flexible model for providing properties that can be consumed as a part of a composite application. The provided properties are simple data types. This means that the only data types that are exposed are Strings or Dates.

These data types are used to define properties that will be exposed as a part of a Notes component, such as the Mail or Contacts components that are explained later in this topic.

Contacts (Personal Address Book) properties

The properties exposed in Contacts (Personal Address Book) are exposed in the My Contacts view only. These properties are defined in the contactcomponent.wsdl file as follows:

Property Name

Property Type
Assigned to (view column, etc.)

SelectedEmailAddressChangedxsd:stringE-Mail column
SelectedNameChangedxsd:stringName column
SelectedCompanyChangedxsd:stringCompany column
SelectedNotesDocumentUrlChangedidt:urln/aInternal property. Mapped to NotesSelectedDocument.

Contacts (Personal Address Book) actions

There are no Actions defined in Contacts (Personal Address Book ) at this time.

Contacts (Personal Address Book) properties/actions captions and descriptions

The captions and descriptions for the properties and actions in Contacts are defined in the file. The captions and descriptions that appear in the Composite Application Editor (CAE) application are defined in this file. If you wish to change the default captions or descriptions, you may change them in this file.

The following contents of the file display the default captions and descriptions mapped to each property and action:

emailaddress.caption1=Email address changed
emailaddress.description1=Email address of the sender of the selected contact
commonname.caption1=Common name changed
commonname.description1=Common name of the sender of the selected contact
companyname.caption1=Company name changed
companyname.description1=Company name of the selected contact
streetaddress.caption1=Street address changed
streetaddress.description1=Street address of the selected contact
notesurl.caption1=Notes url changed
notesurl.description1=Notes url of the selected contact document
In the ContactComponent.wsdl file, these captions and descriptions are mapped to the names as shown. For example, emailaddress.caption1 is used in the caption for the emailAddressChanged property in the WSDL file. When emailaddress.caption1 is encountered in the WSDL file, it is automatically replaced with the line from the file. The result is that emailaddress.caption1 is converted to "Email address changed" and displayed as such in the Composite Application Editor.

Mail properties

The properties and actions exposed in the Mail database are divided into Mail and Calendar areas. These two areas are treated separately when used in composite applications.

Properties exposed in Mail are exposed in the Inbox folder and the All Documents view. These properties are defined in the mailcomponent.wsdl file as follows:

Property Name

Property Type
Assigned to (view column, etc.)

SelectedEmailAddressChangedxsd:stringAvailabilityIcon (Inbox)
AvailabilityIcon (All Documents)
SelectedNameChangedxsd:stringSender (Inbox)
Who (All Documents)
SelectedSubjectChangedxsd:stringSubject (Inbox)
Subject (All Documents)
SelectedNotesDocumentUrlChangedidt:urln/aInternal property. Mapped to NotesSelectedDocument.

Mail actions

In Mail, there are three actions defined in both the Inbox folder and All Documents view:

Action Name

Input taken by action
The MailTo string for CreateNewMemoUsingMailTo is based on RFC2368, which is the standard for this syntax ( ).

The standard does not specify subject, CC, BCC, etc. per se, but it does allow for additional field definitions. The name/value pairs supported in this action are the following:

mailto=  SendTo. Single value.
cc=  CopyTo. Supports multiple values
bcc=  BlindCopyTo. Supports multiple values
subject=  Subject of the memo
body=  Body of the memo

An example of this string would be the following:

Mail properties/actions captions and descriptions

The captions and descriptions for the properties and actions in Mail are defined in the file. The captions and descriptions that appear in the Composite Application Editor (CAE) application are defined in this file. If you wish to change the default captions or descriptions, you may change them in this file. The following is an example:

emailaddress.caption1=Email address changed
emailaddress.description1=Email address of the sender of the selected email
commonname.caption1=Common name changed
commonname.description1=Common name of the sender of the selected email
subject.caption1=Subject changed
subject.description1=Subject of the selected email
notesurl.caption1=Notes url changed
notesurl.description1=Notes url of the selected email document
Column mappings for Mail properties

The Mail properties are assigned to the following columns in the All Documents / ($All) view:

Property Name

Column assigned to in the All Documents / ($All) view
SelectedEmailAddressChangedAvailabilityIcon (hidden)
SelectedNameChangedWho (programmatic name: $102)
The Mail properties are assigned to the following columns in the Inbox folder:

Property Name

Column assigned to in the Inbox folder
SelectedEmailAddressChangedAvailabilityIcon (hidden)
SelectedNameChangedSsender (programmatic name: $93)

Calendar properties and actions

The Calendar properties and actions are used to create the integration and interaction between the Calendar view and the DatePicker navigation object in the navigation pane. The properties and actions are defined as follows:

Property Name

Property Type

Current Date ParameterDateType
Current Date Range ParameterDateRangeType
NotesURLOutputPropertynotesURLInternal property. Mapped to NotesSelectedDocument.
Note The properties and actions are used in the core code for the Calendar and DatePicker and are not mapped in the view and elements in the database design.

For more information, refer to the Lotus Expeditor documentation.

See Also