pagefirst tag
Enables users to navigate to the first page that they accessed in a session. Generates a link back to the current JSP page while preserving all passed arguments. If appropriate, the body of the tag is evaluated once and used as the body of the generated HTML <A> anchor tag. When a user chooses to go to the first page from the current page, the current page is reloaded; all of its parameters are preserved. The first page then displays.

Note This tag generates HTML that causes the page to reload when a user clicks it. If you want to save the parameters that you passed into the page, you must use a preserve tag for each parameter you want to save or it will be lost when the page reloads.


Valid in:



See the Common Domino JSP tag attributes section for definitions of debug, onfailure, and time.

HTML Attributes

Domino supports the following HTML tag attributes. See the Common HTML tag attributes section for their definitions.

See Also