Examples: setitem tag
The following code creates a document, gets item values from the document and displays them. Since the data in the rich text field entitled Body is stored as MIME, setting the Body item's format to raw displays the contents of the rich text field correctly.

<%@ taglib uri="WEB-INF/lib/domtags.tld" prefix="domino" %>
<domino:preserve name="myArguments" />
old Category: <domino:item name="Category" /><br>
<domino:setitem name="Category" value="MyNewCategory" datatype="text" />
<domino:setitem name="mvlist" value="one;two;three;four" mvseparator=";"
datatype="text" />
New Category: <domino:item id="Category" name="Category" /><%=Category %><br>
Title: <domino:item name="Title" /><br>
<domino:item name="mvlist" format="<li>" /><br>
<domino:item name="Body" format="raw" /><br>

You can also use the richtext tag enclosed in a form tag in display mode to display the contents of a rich text field.

See Also