Accessing document properties in LotusScript classes

The following table lists the document properties:
PropertyData typeDescription
AuthorsString array(Read-only) Names of users who have saved the document
ColumnValuesVariant array(Read-only) Column values in parent view, or null; not applicable if document not accessed through a view
CreatedDATE variant(Read-only) Date and time the document was created
EmbeddedObjectsVariant array(Read-only) Embedded objects in the document
EncryptionKeysString array(Read-write) Keys used to encrypt the document
EncryptOnSendBoolean(Read-write) True if the document is encrypted when mailed
FolderReferences String array(Read-only) Shows what folders have references to a particular document
FTSearchScoreInteger(Read-only) Relevance value if the document was retrieved from a full-text search
HasEmbeddedBoolean(Read-only) True if the document has embedded objects
HttpURL String(Read-only) The HTTP URL of a document.
IsDeleted Boolean(Read-only) True if the document is deleted
IsEncryptedBoolean(Read-only) True if the document is encrypted
IsNewNoteBoolean(Read-only) True if the document is created but does not yet exist on disk
IsProfile Boolean(Read-only) True if the document is a profile document
IsResponseBoolean(Read-only) True if the document is a response document
IsSignedBoolean(Read-only) True if the document is signed
IsUIDocOpenBoolean(Read-only) True if the document is accessed through a NotesUIDocument object
IsValid Boolean(Read only) True if the document exists
ItemsNotesItem array(Read-only) All the items in the document
Key String(Read-only) If a profile document, the user name (key) of the profile
LastAccessedDATE variant(Read-only) Date and time the document was last accessed
LastModifiedDATE variant(Read-only) Date and time the document was last modified
LockHoldersString array(Read-only) Names of the holders of a lock
NameOfProfile String(Read-only) If a profile document, the name of the profile
NoteIDString(Read-only) Note ID of the document
NotesURL String(Read-only) The Notes URL of a document.
ParentDatabaseNotesDatabase(Read-only) Database that contains the object
ParentDocumentUNIDString(Read-only) Universal ID of the parent if the document is a response
ParentViewNotesView(Read-only) View from which the document was retrieved, if any
ResponsesNotesDocumentCollection(Read-only) 1st-level responses to this document, if any
SaveMessageOnSendBoolean(Read-write) True if message is saved when mailed
SentByAgentBoolean(Read-only) True if the document was mailed by an agent using the Send method
SignerString(Read-only) Name of signer if the document is signed
SignOnSendBoolean(Read-write) True if the document is signed when mailed
SizeLong(Read-only) Size of document in bytes, including any attachments
UniversalIDString(Read-Write) Universal ID of the document
VerifierString(Read-only) User ID verifying the signature if the document is signed

See Also