Defining Notes view columns that publish properties
In this task, you add a property to a new column of a specific IBM® Lotus® Notes® view. When this view is used in a composite application, the property will be published when any row in that view is selected; the property value will be the column value for the selected document. You will use one procedure to accomplish the following tasks:
In later tasks, you will assemble and wire the composite application and specify which component consumes this property and the action associated with the consumption.

Complete the following steps to add a new column and set the column properties to publish a property.

1. In IBM® Lotus® Domino(TM) Designer 8, click File > Application > Open and select MyDiscussion.nsf from the field list.

2. Click Views in the design pane on the left to display the view list.

3. In the view list, select All Documents from the view Name column and press Enter to open the view in design mode.

4. Click Create > Append New Column to add a new column to the right of the existing columns.

5. Select this newly added column and click the Field radio button option in the programmers pane at the bottom right corner.

Note You may need to scroll to the right in the view to see this newly added column.

6. Select Categories from the list. This action specifies that this newly added column will display the contents of the categories field for the listed document.

7. Select this newly added column and click Design > Column Properties to open the properties box.

8. On the first tab, type "Categories" in the Title field.

9. On the last tab, at the bottom of the box, select DiscussionSample for the Composite Settings Property value from the drop down box.

Note If you entered a Title for the property in the Property Broker Editor, then you would see that text here instead of the property name.

10. Click File > Save to save your changes to this view.

11. To see your changes, click Design > Preview in Notes. The view appears in Lotus Notes 8. You see the newly added column that lists the categories values for the documents you created in the first example task.

You have added a property to your Notes application. Later when this Notes view is used as a component in a composite application, the property you selected can be wired to the action of another component to support inter-component interaction through Lotus Notes property broker functionality.

See Also