
Abbreviates the contents of one or more fields by:

This function only works with single-byte character sets.


@Abstract( [ keywords ] ; size ; beginText ; bodyFields )


[ keywords ]

Caution Rich text fields are not part of a document until saved. If you want @Abstract to work on additions and changes to the current document, you must first save and then recalculate the document. @Abstract cannot convert rich text to text in a view column.

Return value



You can use the following keywords with @Abstract:



There are three built-in programs you can use with @Abstract.

[RULE1] consists of the following commands, executed in this order:


If the removal of mail headers and punctuation allowed the text to fit into the desired size, then text is returned as is. If the first abbreviation was enough to make the text fit, the returned text begins with a minus character ( - ). If the second abbreviation was enough to make the text fit, the returned text begins with a plus character ( + ). If the function counted the words and sorted the chunks, the text will start with an asterisk ( * ) and the sentences will be separated with a ( | ) to indicate that they were rearranged.

[RULE2] issues the following commands:


[RULE3] issues the following commands:


If the function counted the words and sorted the chunks, the returned text begins with an asterisk ( * ) and the sentences are separated with a ( | ) to indicate that they were rearranged.


The following files are used by @Abstract. You can create all, some, or none of these text files, depending on how you want to use @Abstract. Any files you do create must be named as specified below and be present in your Notes/Data file path when you start running the software.

Abbreviation Dictionary (noteabbr.txt)

The abbreviation is never converted to lowercase, but it may be converted to uppercase.
Specified abbreviationWord being replacedResulting abbreviationReasoning
PhonetelephonePhoneThe original word appears in lowercase, so the specified abbreviation's case is used.
PhoneTElephonePHONEThe abbreviation's case is based upon the original word's case.
PhoneTelephonePhoneThe abbreviation's case is based upon the original word's case.
PHONETelephonePHONEThe abbreviation is specified as uppercase, so it always appears as uppercase.
PhonetElephonePHONEThe first letter of the abbreviation was already uppercase, so Notes/Domino leaves it alone. The remaining letters of the abbreviation are converted to uppercase to match the second letter of the original word.

Significant Words (notesigl.txt)
Insignificant Words (notestop.txt)
Mail Headers (notehead.txt)
Language cross-reference

Abstract method in LotusScript NotesItem class

abstractText method in Java Item class

GetFormattedText method in LotusScript NotesRichTextItem class

getFormattedText method in Java RichTextItem class

See Also