Examples: Subtract method
This example searches the current database for all active followup forms with a followup date of tomorrow, assigns the low priority documents a followup date of two months from now, and the rest of the documents a followup date of next month.

Sub Initialize
 Set session = New NotesSession    
 Dim db As NotesDatabase
 Set db = session.CurrentDatabase
 Dim dc1 As NotesDocumentCollection
 Dim dc2 As NotesDocumentCollection
 searchFormula$ = {Form = "Followup" & Status = "Active" & @Date(FollowupDate) <= @Tomorrow}
 Set dc1 = db.Search(searchFormula$, Nothing, 0)
 ' all these docs need to have followup deadlines extended,
 ' but not all by the same amount.
 Set dc2 = dc1.Clone()
 ' limit dc2 to only low-priority docs -- longer deadline.
 Call dc2.FTSearch( { [priority] = "Low" }, 0)
 ' and remove those low-priority ones from dc1
 Call dc1.Subtract(dc2)
 Dim nextmonth As New NotesDateTime( "" )
 Call nextmonth.SetNow
 Call nextmonth.AdjustMonth( 1 )
 Call dc1.StampAll("FollowupDate", nextmonth)
 Dim twoMonths As New NotesDateTime("")
 Call twoMonths.SetNow
 Call twoMonths.AdjustMonth( 2 )
 Call dc2.StampAll("FollowupDate", twoMonths)
End Sub