Accessing an outline

You can access a NotesOutline object through the CreateOutline and GetOutline methods in NotesDatabase. The CreateEntry method in NotesOutline allows you to create a new NotesOutlineEntry object and place it in the outline.

NotesOutline contains the following properties:
PropertyData typeDescription
AliasString(Read-only) Alias name of the outline, used for programmatic access.
CommentString(Read-only) A brief description of the outline.
NameString(Read-only) Name of the outline, used for programmatic access.
ParentDatabase NotesDatabase(Read-only) The parent database that contains an Outline object. For COM only.
NotesOutline contains the following methods:
AddEntryAdds a new entry to the outline.

This method is obsolete as of Release 5.0.2, but is supported for backward compatibility. Use CreateEntry to add a new entry to an outline.

CreateEntryCreates a new entry and adds it to an outline.
CreateEntryFrom Creates a copy of an existing entry.

This method is new in Release 5.0.2.

GetChild Gets the child of the specified entry in an outline.

This method is new in Release 5.0.2.

GetFirstGets the first entry of an outline.
GetLastGets the last entry of an outline.
GetNextReturns the entry immediately following the specified entry.
GetNextSiblingGiven an entry in an outline, returns the entry immediately following it at the same level.
GetParentGiven a response entry in an outline, returns its parent entry.
GetPrevGiven an entry in an outline, returns the entry preceding it.
GetPrevSiblingGiven an entry in an outline, returns the entry immediately preceding it at the same level.
MoveEntryMoves the specified entry from one location to another in an outline.
RemoveEntryDeletes the specified entry and its subentries from an outline.
SaveSaves any changes made to an outline.

NotesOutlineEntry contains the following properties:
PropertyData typeDescription
AliasString(Read-only) Alias name of the outline entry, used for programmatic access.
DatabaseNotesDatabase(Read-only) Database resource link for an outline entry.
DocumentNotesDocument(Read-only) Document resource link for an outline entry.
EntryClassInteger(Read-only) Class of an outline entry.
FormulaString(Read-only) Formula for an action outline.
FrameTextString(Read-only) The name of the target frame in which you want the entry to appear.
HasChildrenBoolean(Read-write) Indicates whether an entry contains child entries.
HideFormulaString(Read-write) The hide formula, if any.
ImagesTextString(Read-write) The name of the image file you would use to add an icon to your entry.
IsHiddenBoolean(Read-write) Indicates whether an entry is hidden in the current context, or sets all contexts.
IsHiddenFromNotesBoolean(Read-write) Indicates whether an entry is hidden in the Notes client.
IsHiddenFromWebBoolean(Read-write) Indicates whether an entry is hidden in a Web browser.
IsInThisDbBoolean(Read-only) Indicates whether an entry refers to an element within the current database.
IsPrivateBoolean(Read-only) Indicates whether an entry is specific to an individual.
KeepSelectionFocusBoolean(Read-write) Indicates whether an entry keeps selection focus.
LabelString(Read-write) Label for an entry.
LevelLong(Read-write) Indicates the level of this entry.
NamedElementString(Read-only) Named element referenced by an outline entry.
Parent NotesOutline(Read-only) The outline that contains an OutlineEntry object. For COM only.
TypeConstant of type Long(Read-write) Type of outline entry.
URLString(Read-only) The URL of an outline entry.
UseHideFormulaBoolean(Read-write) Indicates whether an entry uses the hide formula.
ViewNotesView(Read-only) View resource link for an outline entry.

NotesOutlineEntry contains the following methods:
SetActionSpecifies a formula for an action outline entry.
SetNamedElementSpecifies a named element for an outline entry.
SetNoteLinkSpecifies a resource link for an outline entry.
SetURLSpecifies a URL as the resource link for an outline entry.

See Also