Examples: If...GoTo statement
Ask the user to propose a down payment for a house. Elsewhere, the cost has been set at $235,000. Depending on whether or not the user proposes a down payment of at least 10% of cost, respond accordingly.

Sub ProcessMortgage(cost As Single)
  Dim downpmt As Single, msg As String
  msg$ = "Cost: " + Format(cost!, "Currency") _
        & ". Enter a down payment:"
  downpmt! = CSng(InputBox(msg$))
  If downpmt! < .1 * cost! GoTo NotEnough
  msg$ = Format(downpmt!, "Currency") & " will do fine!"
  MessageBox msg$
  ' Continue processing the application
  ' ...
  ' ...
  Exit Sub

  msg$ = "Sorry, " & Format(downpmt!, "Currency") _
      & " is not enough!"
  MessageBox msg$
End Sub

Dim cost As Single
cost! = 235000
ProcessMortgage(cost!)    ' Call the ProcessMortgage sub.

See Also