Using installation options with the transform file
Using a transform file, you can customize traditional aspects of IBM® Lotus® Notes® installation for the users in your enterprise.

Customizing the location of the install directories

Use this procedure to specify a location other than the default location in which to store the installation directories. When specifying directory names, use names that contain eight or fewer characters.

1. From Application Configuration, select Setup Properties.

2. Click Add/Remove Program Settings.

3. Change the PROGDIR property to the location in which you are storing the program files.

4. Change the DATADIR property to the location in which you are storing the data files. This is the new default data directory.

Setting the installation to multi-user by default

In a multi-user installation, the administrator installs the IBM® Lotus® Domino™ program files to a central location on the local system. Each user has their own data directory located in the system's application data directory for the current user.

Note End-users must have Administrator rights to choose a multi-user installation and must only install the Lotus Notes client. End-users must also have Administrator rights to upgrade an existing multi-user installation.

1. From Application Configuration, select Setup Properties.

2. Change the value in the ApplicationUsers property to AllUsers. By default the installation is now a multi-user installation.

For more information on multi-user installation, see Multi-user installations.

Adding custom files to a client installation

To add custom files to a client installation, create a transform file.

Note This customization option replaces the COPYFILE.TXT feature that was available in previous releases of Lotus Domino.

1. Copy the custom files to the install directory or place them in a directory within the install directory -- for example, <PathToInstallKit>\AllClient\CopyFiles\custom.mdm.

2. Click Target System Configuration - Files.

3. In the top pane, click Browse and locate the source directory, which is the directory from which you are copying the custom files.

4. In the bottom pane, select the destination directory, for example, ProgramFiles\Lotus\notes\Data\modems.

5. Drag and drop the custom file from the source directory to the destination directory.

Adding third-party Eclipse features and plug-ins to a Notes installation

You can add new and third-party features to the IBM® Lotus® Notes® client installation by editing the install manifest INSTALL.XML, update site directory contents (UPDATESITE.ZIP features and plug-ins subdirectories) and SITE.XML registry.

For information about editing the install manifest, update site directory contents, and site registry, see the topic Customizing Notes installation using the install manifest.

Applying NOTES.INI settings during Notes client installation

1. Open the InstallShield Tuner for Lotus Notes.

2. From the System Configuration section, click the IniFiles item in the System Configuration section.

3. In the center pane, right click Destination Computer and then choose Show Folder - Program Files Folder.

4. Expand the Program Files Folder directory to access the Lotus\Notes folder

5. Right click the Notes folder and then choose the option, New Inifile.

6. Locate the default notes.ini file, INIFILE1.INI, that was created in the Notes folder. Rename this file with the name NOTES.INI.

7. Locate the default section, NewSection1, that was created for the NOTES.INI file. Rename the default section with the name Notes.

8. Select the Notes section and then modify these values that are located in the right-most pane of the tuner:

9. Locate the Additional Tools section, and then click the Direct Editor item in the Additional Tools section.

10. In the center pane, select the Component table, and then scroll down the component list until you locate CST_COMPONENT.

11. Change the value in the Directory_ column from NOTES to the new value VDIR_INI.

12. In the center pane, select the table, IniFile, and then scroll down the component list until you locate CST_INIFILE.

13. Change the value in the DirProperty column from NOTES to the new value VDIR_INI.

14. Make other modifications if necessary.

15. Click Save.

See also