Automating client installation using a silent install
Automated client installation, otherwise referred to as "silent install," is available for installing IBM (Lotus® Notes® on a Microsoft® Windows® or Linux® client. For single user installs on a Windows client, silent install also supports the three IBM® Lotus® Domino™ clients -- (IBM® Lotus® Notes, IBM® Lotus® Domino™ Designer, and Domino Administrator® -- Allclient installation kit. Silent install simplifies end-user installation because it presents few or no installation options.

Read the considerations section of the installation instructions in this guide before installing Lotus Notes.

Silent installation uses a tuner program to create a transform file based on installation options that you specify when you run the tuner. When a user subsequently runs the silent install, the specified installation options are applied automatically.

For information about using the tuner and creating transform files, see the following topics:

Running a silent installation

Silent install is useful for installing Lotus Notes, and optionally the Domino Administrator client and/or Domino Designer client, without user intervention. The user can execute a script or batch file to perform a complete installation without having to answer any questions or prompts. Command line options are available and are described below.

Running a silent install provides users with default install options. To customize the silent install, you can use, individually or in combination, install manifest customization and a tuner transform file.

Lotus Notes installation requires use of an install manifest file INSTALL.XML, supplied in the Lotus Notes installation media kit as deploy\install.xml. This file and its contents can be customized to control which features are installed automatically, which features appear in the feature installation panel for user selection, and whether features are presented as enabled or disabled by default. Using a silent install, you can define which features in the install manifest are installed automatically, by setting the "required" attribute to "true" for each "installfeature" ID you want installed. Features in the install manifest that have their "required" attribute set to "true" are automatically installed.

Note Also, when installing Lotus Notes using the single user Allclient installation kit on Windows, Domino Designer and Domino Administrator follow the settings in the Lotus Notes 8 MSI file. The settings in the MSI file (which affect the feature installation panel) override the settings in the Lotus Notes install manifest file (deploy\install.xml). To install Domino Designer and/or Domino Administrator, you must either select them for install using the feature installation panel or specify them for silent install using the tuner. They will not be installed, even if specified in the SELECTINSTALLFEATURES property, if they are not selected for install as part of the MSI installation.

For information about tuner usage and transform files used for silent installation, see Customizing client installations using the tuner and for information about customizing the install manifest for feature specification, see Customizing Notes installation using the install manifest.

Before you begin the silent installation process, perform the following tasks:

Installing to a non-default directory

You can specify a non-default installation directory and Notes data directory using PROGDIR and DATADIR properties on the command line. For example, for a new user on Windows, Lotus Notes is installed to C:\Program Files\IBM\Lotus\Notes by default.

To select the desired destination directory, specify each property on the command line. For example, if you want to install to C:\IBM\Lotus\Notes, use the following command line syntax:

setup /S /V"SELECTINSTALLFEATURES=Activities,Editors PROGDIR=C:\IBM\Lotus\Notes DATADIR=C:\IBM\Lotus\Notes\Data /qn"

To use Notes silent installation on Windows

You can specify command line options during silent Notes install on Windows. You must be logged in as an administrative user or user with elevated privileges.

The Allclient installation method, which enables installation of Lotus Notes, Domino Designer, and the Domno Administrator clients, is not available for multi-user install; it is only available for single user installation.

1. Open a command window.

2. Change to the directory in which the Lotus Notes installation media kit's SETUP.EXE file is resident.

3. Type the silent installation command.

Example commands are provided below. Note that these examples do not illustrate use of a transform file.

To see command line examples that use a transform file, see Using transform files for end-user installations.

To use Notes silent installation on Linux

You can specify these command line options when running a Lotus Notes silent install on Linux®. You must be logged in as a root user.

1. Open a command window or shell.

2. Change to the directory in which the Lotus Notes install kit's file is resident.

3. Type the silent installation command as shown in this example:

In the following example, the Lotus Notes installer is run silently so that all "installfeature" IDs in the install manifest whose "required" attributes are set to true are installed and the license agreement is accepted without prompting. You must minimally use these command line parameters to run Notes silent install on Linux.
For information about the tuner transform files, see Customizing client installations using the tuner, and for information about the install manifest file, see Customizing Notes installation using the install manifest.

For information about creating and using a batch file in conjunction with silent install, see Providing a batch file for installing the Notes client.

See also