Setting up client installation and installation methods
Depending on the size of your enterprise, you may need to provide an installation method for only a few users or for thousands of users. In addition, you may need to customize the installation process so that users install only the features they need. After you register users, decide how to deploy client installations for users.

On Microsoft® Windows®, single users can install all three clients -- the IBM® Lotus® Notes® client, IBM® Lotus® Domino™ Administrator client, and IBM® Lotus® Domino™ Designer. For multi-user install on Windows and Linux®, Notes-only installation is available.

As an administrator, you can customize the installation process for your users so that they install the features that they need. The installation information in this section ranges from installing the IBM® Lotus® Domino™ clients using the installation media kit to creating transform files to customize the installation process.

Note You can customize installation of traditional Notes components using tuner capabilities. In addition, you can customize Installation of Eclipse-based features using the install manifest resident in the Lotus Notes install media kit.

Before you install Lotus Notes clients

Before you begin installing Lotus Notes clients, make sure that you or your users do the following:

Installation methods

There are several ways to enable Lotus Notes installation for Notes client users. In addition, there are considerations to plan for when installing this Lotus Notes release based on the features users will have access to and the environment in which they are working.

Domino offers the following methods or types of installation that you can make available to the users in your enterprise.

See also