Other ways to create a message
Other ways to create a message
To create a messageDescription
Using stationery
  1. Above the message list, click More.
  2. Click New Message with Stationery.
  3. Select the stationery to use, and then click OK.

For more information, see Creating and using stationery for mail.
From your contact list
  1. In the contact list, select the names of one or more people or groups to send the message to.
  2. Above the message list, click New > Message. The names are added to the To field of the new message.
From another message, calendar entry, or to do item
  1. Select the message, entry, or to do item.
  2. For a message, click More above the message list, and then click Copy Into New > Message. For a calendar entry or to do item, click Copy Into New above the calendar or to do list, and then click Message.
That contains a document link
  1. Open or select the document. Note that the document must be in an application the recipient has access to.
  2. Click Create > Special > Link Message. A document description is added to the Subject field, and a document link is added to the body of the new message.
About a phone call
  1. Open your mail.
  2. Click Create > Special > Phone Message. A custom form opens for you to enter information about the call.
For an application manager
  1. Open the application.
  2. Click Create > Mail > Special > Send Message to Application Manager. The manager's name is added to the To field of the new message.
Using a word processorSee Creating mail with Lotus Word Pro or Microsoft Word.

See Also