Note The default language for text is Untagged. The spell checker uses your default dictionary to spell check Untagged text. If you want the spell checker to skip particular words in a document, mark the words as Unknown.
To check the spelling of continuous text tagged as a specific language in all documents
1. Click File > Preferences > User Preferences. Macintosh OS X users: Notes > Preferences > User Preferences.
2. Click International > Spell Check.
3. Under Defaults for [language], select Keep on the fly dictionary changes until next language tag change.
To check the spelling of continuous text tagged as a specific language per document
Regardless of your settings for the spell checker in Preferences, this procedure overrides those settings so you can change your preferences on certain documents.
1. Put the document in Edit mode.
2. Click Tools > Spell Check.
3. Click Spelling Options and select Keep on the fly dictionary changes until next language tag change.
See Also