Customizing client installations using the tuner
Client installs can be customized to allow you to control the options that are installed and/or available to users. Use transform files to deselect options that you don't want to install by default. You also use transform files to hide the options that you do not want users to change, regardless of whether you choose to install a particular option. Modify the Visible and Initial State settings for each installation option that you want to designate as hidden or not hidden.

For information about what you can customize, see Installation options available using the transform file. and for information about transform files, see Creating a transform file and Using transform files for end-user installations.

After you customize installation of traditional IBM® Lotus® Notes® features using tuner and transform capabilities, you can customize Eclipse feature installation using the install manifest and Eclipse update site contents.

For information about the install manifest and Eclipse update site, see Customizing Notes installation using the install manifest.

See also